Monday, April 26, 2010

Desolate Hallways And Empty Classrooms

High school is a finicky thing to begin with. Especially when it comes to course selections. make it even more of a challenge, let's have two under populated schools on either ends of the Downtown. The West. And. The East. Yes, school rivalries are always a delight to have, however this season the West doesn't have a Boys' Rugby team. The East doesn't have a Grade 12 Chemistry. Next year they are not running Fashion or Media Studies, perhaps not even Writers' Craft.

And many other courses.

Enrollment is down and it has been declining for the past couple of years in this area. There are not enough students to support two high schools each designed for over 1000 students. Classrooms are left unused. Entire hallways of lockers are left bolted. And a lot of classes are not running.

Would it not be best to close the older, slightly decrepit, non-wheelchair accessible school down and have everyone merge at the newer school of two floors only with elevator access, a greenhouse, spacious cafeteria, a track around the back playing field and a courtyard?

Well, probably.

But then there becomes school board politics which hardly anyone is 100% privileged to understand. If the members even understand themselves.

Regardless, the numbers are dropping and the population can no longer sustain two high schools without having any more cuts on classes, sports teams or over all education. A change is needed sooner rather than later.

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